Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Nurture your artistry

Newly acquainted with Twitter as I am, thanks to Keren Lerner at TopLeftDesign, I here add further thanks for directing Followers to her Pinterest, where I found the quote: ‘The Earth without Art is Eh’.  

I’m a big fan of the Eh with its integral art, because the new views and explorations are much needed if our lives and businesses and earth are to sustainably co-evolve. To quote (I believe) Oliver Wendell Holmes, ‘a mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions’. And to quote my young daughter after our recent visit to the Damien Hirst exhibition, ‘that was a great day Mum’.

I learn that sharing and ‘top ten’ lists are popular in the Twitterverse and so I’m joining in. 

The Arts can point us to the need for discipline and adventure in combination; to relate with who and what already exists in service of what needs to emerge. Our organisations need this and why would we want any less for our children, who must make our world sustainable or lose it? So my list is:

Ten Ways to Nurture your Artistry

You may not identify yourself as an artist but the earth needs your art:

1. Practice your ABCs: Affirm, Be Bold, Connect
2. Born to Win. If you can’t face getting the book (by James and Jongeward), at least absorb the spirit of the title and connect with the you-who-can (and so does).
3. Make Time to Think. If you want to make wise choices and changes, you have to give yourself a chance. As a coach it’s very useful and if you ever run meetings, I’d also recommend getting this book or its sequel More Time to Think (Nancy Kline) for its own 10-point list of creating beneficial thinking environments.
4. Follow Rumi’s advice: ‘Be with those who help your being. Dont sit with indifferent people, whose breath comes cold out of their mouths.
Not these visible forms, your work is deeper.’
5. Know where you stand. Here are two sites where you can have a free exploration of your ethics and your values. (others are available!)
6. Explore This is Not a Book or another selected not-book from Keri Smith (kerismith.com). Definitely not just one for the kids.
7. Find your gratitude. You’ll also find that annoyances become less salient and less of an energy drain.
8. Attend to your body. Rest and food shouldn’t normally be optional extras in your day if both are available to you.
9. Do something you’ve never done before. It doesn’t matter what, as long as you can cosy up and have a laugh with your conscious incompetence.
10. Find a coach. Maybe you are a rare, gifted hermit, in which case carry on. Otherwise skilled en-courage-ment can help you transform yourself and what’s around you.

Do let me know your own favourite ways to ensure Earth keeps its art. If Twitter is your way I'm @juliesallan.

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